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THE DAILY SHOE REVIEW – I can hardly wait to tell you the exciting news! An exciting new wedding shoe range has hit all Hush Puppies retail shops! As exquisitely comfortable and luxurious with all the contemporary style that goes with the name, their legion of devoted fans can be assured that these Puppies won’t let you down! Dance the night away on a cloud of happiness, love, romance and comfort because, let’s face it, the one thing you don’t want to risk on this day above all others, is aching feet.
SHOP ONLINE: Shoes (Hush Puppies Bridal Collection) Clutch (Sophia Webster) Perfume (Anna Sui) Briefs (Yasmine Eslami) Necklace (Hedone Ramone) Earrings (Ca&Lou) French Mani Set – White & Pink (Rimmel)
21 responses
I would love to wear that shoe
Love it! I can see myself getting married in a pair like this. @HushPuppies_SA
Those shoes are made for walking in comfort
Comfort and beauty! x
Hush puppies have awesome shoes. I totally agree. And they are such good quality
Pahahahahahaha I had the same thoughts until I saw The Daily Shoe features Times are a changing Shoegals!!!!
soon to be married I want these shoes
Exquisite the most beautiful shoe I’ve see. This put Cinderella shoes to shame 🙂
Beautiful 🙂 done
gorgeous would love this
Oh how I would love to win
Beyond Beautiful
Very stylish and breathtaking, should make any bride feel completely at ease, and for any other occasion as well.
To love and to hold, to looking stunning every time I wear you to embracing you every time I walk in you oh m my my that is a shoe, that is my dream shoe. Classic I want this shoe
Oh wow How pretty are these?!?
Totally agree. They are simply gorgeous.
every bride would love this shoe