THE DAILY SHOE REVIEW – Hush Puppies meticulously tailored suede moccasins in smudgy purple, violet and grey suede are a winner for every day of the week. Dress up with coordinating skirt and top with a blazer for autumn weather, or make the look more casual with jeans and a T. Whatever you choose, this timeless design guarantees a classy finished look. A couple of pairs of Hush Puppies are a staple for every shoe gal's wardrobe.
Click To Shop: Handbag (Nine West) Jacket (Mr Price) Jeans (Guess) Earrings (Fred Tsuya) Necklace (Mr Price) Nail Polish (Rubybox)
16 responses
Love these and the color just right for greys and black or denims
Love these – look elegantly casual and so very comfortable.
love all your shoes
Totally LOVE this shoe and colour too
Love this flat Hush Puppy shoe and the colour too…clearly I am a Hush Puppy woman….have 2 ‘real’ Hush Puppies….Ms Molly and Lulu and am surrounded by Hush Puppy Calendars, so now need to fill the shoe cupboard with Hush Puppy too….starting with this flat tie….just love it
Oh yes Love my Friday flats
yes <3
Classic Jeans Plum colored top and short 3/4 sleeve jacket in black Purple bowler bag and some gold bangles
with jeans and a purple jacket
Loafable lol if thats even a word
Love these Ooh wee
comfortable and easy to wear
its lovely